fluxo unlocks unique places for work from.

Sick of the office? Bored of your bedroom? Find unique places to work from in NYC. Book passes by the day or spaces by the hour. Find a fluxo workspot today πŸš€

Or continue using fluxo for web β€” currently in beta.
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fluxo is changing how the world works.

fluxo creates new workspots in the inviting, collaborative places that have been there all along.
fluxo partners with local venues β€” restaurants, bars, gyms, event spaces, offices β€” and makes them 'work-ready'.
fluxo helps companies to provide better work-from-home and hybrid-work options for their employees.
How does it feel to fluxo? Watch our video πŸ‘‡
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fluxo is now live in
New York City. Download our app and get to work.
Access to workspots all around you. Places for daily use in local third space we've made 'work-ready'.
Bookable access to specialist spaces, facilities and amenities that suit your needs. On-demand, by the hour.
work from anywhere with fluxo
We're on a mission to change how the world works - to get people out of their bedroom or soulless office.
So, we’re turning amazing but underused spaces and facilities into workspots you can book, work, meet, and interact.
Work around you.
work from anywhere with fluxo
The latest from the fluxo blog.