Why fluxo?

Because people need better places to work from.

Because work has changed, but businesses haven’t caught up.

Because coworking spaces feel dead, and coffee shops are so busy. 

Because working from home all the time is unhealthy and unproductive. 

And because so many incredible spaces around the city sit empty most of the day.

Work around you.

For people and businesses.

Many of our favorite places operate on the slimmest of margins. Many of our favorite people feel they have no places to spend time outside of work and home. And many of us have to wait for the weekend to see our friends. 

What if the weekday was a time to work together from your favorite local spots? What if you could tell your friends, “see you for work”? What if the office was just one of the places your company paid for you to work from?

fluxo seeks a paradigm shift in this old city story: Places open doors that were once locked. Companies support their employees’ choices for where to work. Nine-to-fivers reclaim their weekdays, becoming more productive, more involved, and more connected in the process. And our favorite places get extra revenue just for saying “welcome to work."

Addressing the need for third spaces in NYC.

We’re here for neighborhoods and the people who inhabit them. We believe there’s magic in spaces that feel like home, tables to call your own, reserved spots for productive and collaborative workdays – where you can spread out, accomplish your work, host meetings, take calls, sample something local, and connect with your teams and your people. 

No one has yet figured out how to reckon with under-filled offices, overfilled cafes, and employees feeling undervalued. Few want a full remote schedule or a full office week. fluxo exists to support these in-betweeners, enliven the mid-week malaise, and support the places that risk everything to give us good experiences. We’re the third option, the new way of doing work.

Who’s behind this “fluxo”? 

We’re a small team with deep experience in the service industry and the coworking world. We’ve opened offices and bars; we’ve built community gardens and enterprise business solutions. We’ve bartended, waited tables, and pulled espressos. We’ve hosted events, marketed podcasts, purveyed hot sauce, consulted with hospitality providers.

Our New York City-based team has decades of experience working a variety of jobs in this city, and other cities – Liverpool and Melbourne among them. We’ve got the know-how of experience and the wonder of the newcomer, and we’ve got a good sense for how to build community, inspire creativity, and work together for the betterment of society. Reach out to us and hear more.

Follow our journey.