
Where Do Remote Workers Go: The NYC Coffee Shop Dilemma

February 6, 2025

Coffee shops in New York City are a breeding ground for remote workers. But what happens when there's not a single surface left for your laptop?

by Kate Lewis for fluxo

I love a coffee shop—I'm typing this memo from one of my favorites (shoutout to Gather on the Lower East Side).

But sometimes, for work purposes, a coffee shop, and the subsequent hunger games-esque fight for a seat at one, doesn’t cut it when you have an important zoom call in the middle of your day, or a lot of emails to send before that meeting with your manager in the afternoon. Sometimes, number crunching requires a more guaranteed, substantial work set-up for the day. A space that is yours for the hours you need it, perhaps somewhere that isn’t normally open during the usual 9-5 working hours… 

Enter fluxo. By booking workspace through us, remote working New Yorkers can be guaranteed a seat. Access to an outlet. Stable wifi. With fluxo, those are the standards. But you can take it even further than those basics. You can customize your workday to be what you want and need. Pick a place with softer music, with a cool background for your zoom call, with vegetarian lunch options. With fluxo, your remote workplace is your oyster. Or, at least, your ideal work environment. 

Because our spaces aren’t coffee shops—they are bars, restaurants, breweries, galleries—places that aren’t usually open during the day, or at least not usually open for work. But with fluxo, they are. And they are equipped with everything you need for a productive day. 

Coffee shops: I love you! Keep doing your coffee thing! I could wax poetic about the wonders of cafe culture, even at its busiest. So we’re not coming into your spaces, we’re not looking to fluxo your tables. If anything, think of us as allies. Tired of people sitting at your tables for six hours nursing one black coffee? We get it. Maybe even send them our way once they’ve overstayed their welcome… 

Sick of the office? Bored of your bedroom? Find unique places to work from around New York City with fluxo. Book passes by the day or spaces by the hour.
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